Welcome to the Caregiver Connection of Ozaukee County
The things that you do which make you a caregiver often seem like the regular tasks you do as a spouse, friend, son or daughter, and you don’t think of yourself as a caregiver. But if you don’t recognize that you are a caregiver, you may fail to recognize the impact on your health and well-being that caregiving demands and responsibilities can have.
Our mission is to support, educate and advocate for adult family caregivers.
The Caregiver Connection is here to help. We hold family caregiver coffee breaks at three locations throughout the month, an educational Journey series, and caregiver events. We hope to provide you with the tools you need to take better care of yourself, create a better balance between your family life, career and elder care responsibilities.
Being a caregiver can seem like a lonely and trying experience. The Caregiver Connection of Ozaukee County wants you to know you are not alone.