Resources for Grandparents Raising Grandchildren
The Administration for Children and Families indicates that a number of grandparents and other relatives care for children whose own parents are unable to care for them. The term “Grandparents Raising Grandchildren” or GRG is often used. Sometimes, the arrangement (referred to as "kinship care") is an informal, private arrangement between the parents and relative caregivers; in other situations, the local child welfare agency is involved. These resources are listed to help kinship caregivers--including grandparents, aunts and uncles, other relatives, and family friends care for the grandchildren or other children in their care.
Wisconsin Resources for Grandparents raising Grandchildren:
Helpful website for grandparents raising grandchildren:
Kinship care in Wisconsin:
Kinship caregivers and the Child Welfare System:
Local Kinship Care program: